Dev Group has launched Dev Parisar in Kudasan, Gandhinagar. A residential project spread over 0.59 Acres , it offers ample amount of facilities for residents. The project was launched in August 2022. It offers Under Construction units. Popular configurations include 3 BHK units. As per the area plan, units are in the size range of 235 - 248 sq.yd.. There are 78 units in Dev Parisar. Overall, there are 2 buildings. The possession date of Dev Parisar is Aug, 2024.
Enjoy a host of facilities at Dev Parisar which includes Gymnasium, Power Backup, Indoor Game Area. Residents will enjoy access to Library, provisions in the project. The property is equipped with Fire Sprinklers. Own a home in Dev Parisar today!.
This is a RERA registered project with RERA ID PR/GJ/GANDHINAGAR/GANDHINAGAR/Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation/RN137AA10037/270722 and fulfils all conditions placed by the state regulatory body.
Kudasan is well-connected to other parts of city by road, which passes through the heart of this suburb. Prominent shopping malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are present in proximity of this residential project.