Tarsali is a fast developing locality in Vadodara in Gujarat State. It has good transport facility
through buses and trains. The railway stations nearby that connect it to the neighboring areas
are Pratapnagar Railway Station and Vishvamitri Railway Station. Commute is thus made
easy to the areas of Padra, Karjan and Anand. The nearby factories in Makarpura GIDC is
one of the prime reasons why people settle here. It has a few good schools like New Era High
School, Baroda High School, Jivan Barti Vidyalay and Vandana Vidhyalaya, as well as
colleges like Babaria Institute of Technology and Babaria Institute of Pharmacy. The public
infrastructure here is good along with short distances to hospitals like Vinayak Hospital and
Sarabhai Ayurvedic Hospital, banks, shopping outlets and green areas. There are a number of
housing communities here making it a close knit residential area. Read More
Kanha Group has established itself as a reputed name in the real estate Industry. Since its inception, this construction company has been relentlessly striving to achieve comprehensive development across residential and commercial sectors of real estate. Kanha Group also focuses on promoting residential townships spread across several areas of the city. Comprising of a highly efficient and dynamic team, this company has crafted a niche for itself in the construction business by conforming with superior quality standards and innovative designs while developing and delivering projects. The quality control team of Kanha Group makes sure that each project created by them speaks of architectural excellence.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the other projects done by Kanha Group in Vadodara?
Learn all there is to know about the Hardik Pandya mansion, including the location in Vadodara where it is located and the interior design of the home.
Vadodara's residential real estate market is poised for strong growth, driven by the continued expansion of both the services and manufacturing sectors.
Vadodara's residential market has seen dynamic growth driven by economic development, infrastructure initiatives and a growing population, showcasing the city's progress and potential for developers and homebuyers.