The spacious Apartment at Sanjay M Salunkhe Gananayak Residency comes with many modern amenities including . The Apartment size starts from 289.66 sq ft. Janak Nagari is well-connected to other parts of city by road, which passes through the heart of this suburb. Prominent shopping malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are present in proximity of this residential project.
Janak Nagari is an locality in Nashik, Nashik District, Maharashtra, India. Khutwad Nagar (0.55 Km), Kamatwade Gaon (0.73 Km), DGP Nagar (1.54 Km), Murari Nagar (1.71 Km), Siddhivinayak Colony (1.82 Km) are the nearby areas to Janak Nagari. Nashik are the nearby cities to Janak Nagari. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many floors are available in Sanjay Gananayak Residency?
There are 1 towers with 5 floors each, in Sanjay Gananayak Residency.
What are the other projects done by Sanjay M Salunkhe Builders And Builders in Nashik?
The other projects done by Sanjay M Salunkhe Builders And Builders are:
Nashik's overall appeal as a fast-growing residential market is set to strengthen further, ensuring sustained growth and development in its trajectory.