Sree Daksha Thukira is a project by Sree Daksha in Coimbatore. It is a Ready to Move project. Located in Vedapatti, it is a residential project. The address of Sree Daksha Thukira is Vedapatti.Sree Daksha Thukira ensures a coveted lifestyle and offers a convenient living. There is 24x7 Security. Some other provisions include access to Landscaping & Tree Planting, Storm Water Drains.The project is RERA compliant and fulfils all necessities as required by the authorities. RERA ID of Sree Daksha Thukira is TN/11/Layout/6555/2022.Established in 1998, Sree Daksha is a renowned developer firm. Till date, Sree Daksha has developed 31 projects with a focus on healthy and sustainable lifestyle.Vedapatti is well-connected to other parts of the city via an extensive road....Read more