Easily accessible to hospitals, educational institutes
Gemstar Milansar Overview
Project Name
Gemstar Milansar
8000 sq.ft.
Launch Date
1st Jan, 1970
Possession Status
Possession Date
1st Jan, 1970
Rera id
Gemstar Milansar Price & Floor Plan
Gemstar Milansar Amenities
Gemstar Milansar Developer Information
Gemstar Construction
Total Projects
Gemstar Construction was founded with an aim to develop properties in Residential, Commercial and Retail Sectors. Having been in the industry for a long time, the organization concentrates on attaining excellence in construction industry. Passionate about quality, Gemstar Construction believes in giving its customers the kind of living space that no one can replicate. It is an organization where quality meets aesthetics and passion meets perfection. It is the group's distinct philosophy, vision and core values that differentiate it from other development groups.
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