Goel Ganga Group is a leading Real Estate company with years of presence having successfully completed many projects in Pune, Bangalore, Nagpur and Mumbai. Company focuses on continuous up gradation of technology and providing top class customer service striving for giving “Pure Delight” to customers. Goel Ganga Group is ISO 9001:2008 (Quality), ISO 14001:2004 (Environment) and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (Health & Safety) certified company. It is also an associates member of CREDAI and Pune Metro. Today, the Goel Ganga Group, manned by highly qualified professionals and well equipped with latest technology has expanded into the creation of world-class commercial complexes, entertainment centers, education spaces and futuristic integrated villas. Each project delivered by the group is embedded with the advantage of comfort, luxury and convenience. Goel Ganga Group believes in providing a better quality life for people who inhabit them.
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