Residential project, Sharad Majestique Towers East in Pune is offering units for sale in Wagholi. Possession date of Sharad Majestique Towers East is Dec, 2028. Contact for further details. Sharad Majestique Towers East is located in Wagholi.In terms of facilities, Sharad Majestique Towers East is loaded with multiple offerings such as Power Backup. The property has Fire Sprinklers.Sharad Majestique Towers East follows all rules as prescribed by the state RERA. All details are furnished on the RERA portal as well.ID is P52100028815, P52100053786.Sharad Shree Enterprises is a very well-known developer-firm in this real estate market. Residents and their lifestyle are at the centre of their developments.Prominent suburbs of Pune are close by to Wagholi and with several schools, hospitals, banks and offices situated in the proximity, the project is a preferred choice for home seekers....Read more