Manvi Yuvaansh Apartment is a project by Manvi Construction. Manvi Yuvaansh Apartment is a Ready to Move residential project. There is 1 building in this project. Manvi Yuvaansh Apartment is located in Survey No 8 Hissa No 7 At Kon (CT), Bhiwandi.Manvi Yuvaansh Apartment offers a host of facilities for residents. Other provisions include access to Storm Water Drains, The property is has Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements. There is provision for Closed Car Parking. These amenities in Manvi Yuvaansh Apartment are those that every homebuyer aspires for!.For home loans, interested buyers can seek financing from major banks like HDFC, Punjab National Bank .RERA ID is P51700014634.Manvi Yuvaansh Apartment is RERA-compliant and all necessary approvals are in place.Kongaon is well-connected to other parts of city by road, which passes through the heart of this suburb. Prominent shopping malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are present in proximity of this residential project....Read more