If you are from Mumbai and you are interested in buying a residential property in Borivali East then you can opt for the Om Trimurti that has been built by the JE and VEE. It has covered a huge area and it offers apartments of various sizes. Currently, it is covering 0.5 acres of land. You can move into this place by December 2022 and it is currently in under construction stage.It will provide several amenities like lift, water supply, fire fighting system, car parking, gymnasium and children's play area. It has a unique construction and it also provides Wi-Fi connectivity. This project has been developed by keeping in mind several eco-friendly pointers like a terrace garden, sewage treatment, rainwater harvesting, and landscape garden.Living in this place very very easy for people because it has everything near it like school, mall, hospital, other essential places that will help you to cater to your daily requirements. Most of the units have been already sold so if you want to check out this place then you can book a site visit today....Read more