bharti residency in Upparpally, Hyderabad is a residential project. The address of bharti residency is Inner Ring Road, Near Eemaan international school, Yadavareddy Nagar.
Life at bharti residency is suited for every age group. The property offers various offers a convenient living.
Upparpally is a prime area, with many attractions work and recreational options just a drive away.
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Good things here
Facilities available
Neat and clean area
Things that need improvement
High price perception
All resident reviews (1 reviews)
Nadeem Uddin
Owner | 1 year ago
1 User found this review helpful
Good things here
Nice Property and all facility are nice and the area is nice and the area is neat and clean and the surrounding areas are nice read more
Things need improvement
and i would say that the price of this property is slightly higher than I assumed so this is the problem read more
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Price Trends for bharti residency vs. Upparpally
appreciation in avg. price / sq.ft (Built-up Area) for bharti residency in last 1 year
Upparpally is a peaceful neighborhood that is situated in the city of Hyderabad. This area is connected to Fort View Road, NH 7 and 9. It is also connected to the rest of the city by a network of roadways viz. Inner Ring Road, Hyderguda Cross Road, etc. This area is located in the vicinity of the Shamshabad International Airport. The nearest railway station are Nampally and Lakdikapool Railway Stations. Traveling to and from Upparpally is comfortable because of the web of roadways that are connected to it. ICBM School of Excellence is situated here and is a highly acclaimed educational institution of the city. Upparpalli Lake is also present here which offers tranquil surroundings to its residents. This area is fast developing and it offers its inhabitants to indulge in shopping in the areas like Spencer‚ s, Balaji Grand Bazar etc. All these reasons have contributed in attracting many investors, Real Estate developers and residents to this locality. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is bharti residency located?
The bharti residency is located in Upparpally, West Hyderabad. View all Projects in Upparpally
The Hyderabad Metro is witnessing rapid expansion to facilitate smooth connectivity across the city. There are plans to extend the metro to the international airport in Shamshabad.
Know how to use the citizen services such as EC search Telangana, market value computation, and list of prohibited properties on the IGRS Telangana portal through this article
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