Carol Casa Prianna is a project by Carol Builders. Carol Casa Prianna is located in Chitpady, Udupi.
Carol Casa Prianna offers a host of facilities for residents. These amenities in Carol Casa Prianna are those that every homebuyer aspires for!.
Chitpady is well-connected to other parts of city by road, which passes through the heart of this suburb. Prominent shopping malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are present in proximity of this residential project.
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Chitpady is the suburb of Udupi city of Karnataka. It is an emerging locality that lies within the the city. The area is situated between the suburbs of Marpalli and Bima Nagar and is quickly developing as a preferred residential destination for people from nearby areas. The area enjoys excellent connectivity through a strong network of roads. Chitpady is excellently linked to the rest of the city by various city buses that shuttle across the area frequently. This location is traversed by the Harishchandra Marg, connecting the region with other localities. The same road connects the area with Edapally- Panvel Highway. Indira Railway Staion Road is at the close proximity from this locality. Chitpady acts as a wonderful destination for residents to spend some time away from their home. Accessibility to Praveen Park makes the location a limelight of Real Estate. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Carol Casa Prianna located?
The Carol Casa Prianna is located in Chitpady, Udupi. View all Projects in Chitpady
What are the nearby projects to Carol Casa Prianna?
The Asian Development Bank will provide a loan of around Rs 532 crores, for a project aimed at supplying round-the-clock water in Kundapura, Mangalore, Puttur and Udupi towns, in Karnataka