Check out this residential project for sale by Ritz Property in Ariyamangalam Area, Tiruchirappalli. The project has been developed in an area of 10 Acres. The address of Ritz Avenue is Ariyamangalam, Kattur.
At Ritz Avenue, all residents have easy access to some of the truly desired facilities such as Power Backup. Come home to Ritz Avenue.
Ritz Property is a renowned developer firm. The company was established in 2006 and has 11 projects to its credit.
Ariyamangalam Area is a prime area, with many attractions work and recreational options just a drive away.
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Project Amenities
Car Parking
24X7 Water Supply
Vastu Compliant
Landscaping & Tree Planting
Rain Water Harvesting
Power Backup
Price Trends for Ritz Avenue vs. Ariyamangalam Area
depreciation in avg. price / sq.ft (Built-up Area) for Ritz Avenue in last 1 year
Ariyamangalam Area is an locality in Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu, India, 620010. Edamalaipatti Pudur (5.12 Km), Thillai Nagar (6.36 Km), KK Nagar (6.61 Km), Srirangam (8.23 Km), Karumandapam (8.88 Km) are the nearby areas to Ariyamangalam Area. Tiruchirappalli, Panayakurichy, Tiruchirappalli are the nearby cities to Ariyamangalam Area. Read More
Ritz Property is a well known group in the realty industry. This company has developed world class homes which are also affordable. This group has not only created homes for the elite and rich but has developed homes for people of all standards. Ritz Property is a trusted group which has completed many projects with many more in the pipeline. Driven by its customer-centric approach, the company strives to maintain high quality and standard in all its projects. Supported by an avid and enthusiastic team, the firm is set to achieve great heights of success.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many units are available in Ritz Avenue?
Ritz Avenue has 0 units in total. However, you can find 1 resale units / properties of Ritz Avenue on
Where is Ritz Avenue located?
The Ritz Avenue is located in Ariyamangalam Area, Tiruchirappalli. View all Projects in Ariyamangalam Area
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