Abhiman Vinayaka is a project by Abhiman Constructions. Abhiman Vinayaka is located in Ladyhill, Mangalore.
Abhiman Vinayaka offers a host of facilities for residents. These amenities in Abhiman Vinayaka are those that every homebuyer aspires for!.
Abhiman Constructions is a reputed building firm with 25 projects since its inception in 1986.
Ladyhill is well-connected to other parts of city by road, which passes through the heart of this suburb. Prominent shopping malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are present in proximity of this residential project.
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Price Trends for Ladyhill
depreciation in avg. price / sq.ft (Built-up Area) for Ladyhill in last 1 year
Ladyhill is an locality in Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka, India. Urwa (1.2 Km), Gandhinagar (1.65 Km), Kottara (1.88 Km), Kodailbail (1.97 Km), Ashok Nagar (2.34 Km) are the nearby areas to Ladyhill. Mangalore are the nearby cities to Ladyhill. Read More
Abhiman Constructions has transformed itself into a premier constructions company based on hard work and determination. Currently leading the Real Estate industry in Southern India, the company is all geared up to achieve success and fame on a national scale. Each of this company’s past projects has been innovative and futuristic in their own unique way. The only
similarity in each project is the superior quality that has been delivered. Through quality services and quality structures that are extraordinary, Abhiman Constructions has won over many admirers and happy home owners.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Abhiman Vinayaka located?
The Abhiman Vinayaka is located in Ladyhill, Mangalore. View all Projects in Ladyhill
The Asian Development Bank will provide a loan of around Rs 532 crores, for a project aimed at supplying round-the-clock water in Kundapura, Mangalore, Puttur and Udupi towns, in Karnataka