Survey No 451/P, Plot No Of Site, Pollepalli, Jadcherla, Raipalle, Hyderabad
Price on Request
Residential Plots
May, 2020
Possession Starts
Price on request
Avg. Price
1323 - 3987 sq.ft.
(Plot Area)
Siri Sampada The White Villas Location Map
Locality Guide
for Jadcherla, Hyderabad
Located in the Mahbubnagar district of the Indian state of Telangana, Jadcherla is an important census center. It can be found in the Mahbubnagar revenue division, specifically the... Read More
The National Highways Administration is funding the proj... more
Kanva Mart, a shopping mall in the locality of Jadcherla... more
There will soon be a three-tier infrastructure laid down... more
Coming up the IT park is in close vicinity to Jadcherla ... more
Multinational companies are opening up near the locality... more
What is good here
TSRTC bus services are available in the locality of Jadchelr... more
The roads are well connected to the major cities adjoining l... more
The roads in and around Jadchelra are maintained and clean
Police patrolling is done frequently in the locality
Street lights are operative on every road inside the localit... more
Jadchelra is a locality where night police patrol is active ... more
Jadchelra is a place where parks are beautifully maintained
The hygiene of the area is well maintained. Every corner of ... more
The pollution index is lesser in the locality due to the pre... more
Jadchelra is a place where the property is available at a ve... more
Nearby the locality, few industries are coming up, so job op... more
The 4 lanes express highway connecting Mahbubnagar to Jadche... more
What can be better
It is difficult to board state government buses during rush ... more
The road infrastructure is damaged due to construction in th... more
Roads have potholes due to heavy rainfall, and roads need to... more
Few deserted places need to have more street lights and more... more
Police patrolling need to be more frequent especially in the... more
No major crime has taken place in the area. More CCTV camera... more
Few more parks are required in close vicinity. Garbage shoul... more
Proper sanitization and cleanliness in the area are sometime... more
Industrialization is the reason for high pollution index in ... more
The property rate is on the higher side due to major develop... more
The MNCs and IT sectors make the area more expensive. Low-pr... more
Three nearby railway stations and highways & connecting 6-la... more