Tarun Nagar is an locality in Guwahati, Assam, India. Kahilipara (4.5 Km), Chandmari (5.45 Km), Lal Ganesh (6.84 Km), Lokhra (11.08 Km), Ahom Gaon (12.69 Km) are the nearby areas to Tarun Nagar. No.2 Bonda, Kamrup, Guwahati, Darrang, No.1 Bonda Grant are the nearby cities to Tarun Nagar. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many units are available in Exotica Greens?
Exotica Greens has 0 units in total. However, you can find 1 resale units / properties of Exotica Greens on Housing.com.
Where is Exotica Greens located?
The Exotica Greens is located in Tarun Nagar, Guwahati. View all Projects in Tarun Nagar
Discussed in this article is the amount you will be paying as stamp duty and registration charges to become a property owner in Assam’s capital Guwahati.
Sela Tunnel, passing through the Sela Pass, would be the longest bi-lane road tunnel in the world after its completion at an altitude of more than 13,000 ft above sea level
The senior housing sector in India has the potential to reach USD 7.7 billion by 2030, from USD 1.26 billion in 2016, with the southern and western regions accounting for a majority of such projects, says a report by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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