Gopalpura is an locality in Udupi, Udupi District, Karnataka, India, 584111. Udyavara (9.32 Km) are the nearby areas to Gopalpura. Malpe, Tenkanidyoor, Badanidiyoor, Tonse West, Udupi are the nearby cities to Gopalpura. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many units are available in Eden Heritage?
Eden Heritage has 0 units in total. However, you can find 2 resale units / properties of Eden Heritage on
Where is Eden Heritage located?
The Eden Heritage is located in Kallianpur, Udupi. View all Projects in Gopalpura
The Asian Development Bank will provide a loan of around Rs 532 crores, for a project aimed at supplying round-the-clock water in Kundapura, Mangalore, Puttur and Udupi towns, in Karnataka
PTINov 2018
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