P And G Shukratara Apartment is a project by P And G Developers in Yavatmal. It is a Under Construction project. Located in Wadgaon, it is a residential project. The project is spread over 0.11 Acres. Launched in November 2021, P And G Shukratara Apartment is slated for possession in Mar, 2023. The address of P And G Shukratara Apartment is Wadgaon.
P And G Shukratara Apartment ensures a coveted lifestyle and offers a convenient living.
The project is RERA compliant and fulfils all necessities as required by the authorities. RERA ID of P And G Shukratara Apartment is P51000031806.
Wadgaon is well-connected to other parts of the city via an extensive road.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is P And G Shukratara Apartment located?
The P And G Shukratara Apartment is located in Yavatmal, Yavatmal District. View all Projects in Yavatmal
What is the possession status of P And G Shukratara Apartment?
As far as possession status is concerned, P And G Shukratara Apartment is ready to move.
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