M Lakshmi Devi is a project by Lakshmi Devi M in Bellary. It is a Ready to Move project. Located in Bellary Gonahal, it is a residential project. The project is spread over 0.35 Acres . The address of M Lakshmi Devi is Sy No 52/1, Gonahal.
M Lakshmi Devi ensures a coveted lifestyle and offers a convenient living.
The project is RERA approved. For details, check RERA ID PRM/KA/RERA/1248/469/PR/290422/004851.
The firm has since then developed 1 projects and focuses on customer-centricity.
Bellary Gonahal is well-connected to other parts of city by road, which passes through the heart of this suburb. Prominent shopping malls, movie theatres, school, and hospitals are present in proximity of this residential project.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the pin code of M Lakshmi Devi?
M Lakshmi Devi is located in Bellary Gonahal, Bellary. The pin code of M Lakshmi Devi, Bellary Gonahal is 583117.
Where is M Lakshmi Devi located?
The M Lakshmi Devi is located in Bellary Gonahal, Bellary. View all Projects in Bellary Gonahal
What is the possession status of M Lakshmi Devi?
As far as possession status is concerned, M Lakshmi Devi is ready to move.