This project is nearest to National Highway 48 and offers location advantages to residents.
It is closest to the South Delhi transportation routes.
Sector 84 is a few minutes drive from Dwarka Expressway.
Sohna Road is 20 mints drive from this project.
Also, the Project is closest to the Gurgaon railway station, a 15-minute drive.
Moreover, available in a short distance from the Golf Course road.
These luxuries project nearest areas to schools, restaurants, hospitals, and workplaces.
Being located at Dwarka Expressway, it is also near NH 48.
Ganga Residential 84 Gurgaon project is protected by 24/7 CCTV security surveillance.
Hyatt Regency and more 5 star hotela are nearby
5 clubhouses
Miyawaki Garden
2 private lifts for every apartment
2 two a core, Terrace Club, Concierge Services
UHA London - Architecture Partner