Ponniammanmedu is the fastest developing city in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The locality is well connected
with the major roads like Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Red Hills Road and Grand Northern Trunk Road for
easy commutes. Villivakkam is the nearest Railway Station from Ponniammanmedu. The area has
many bus stops nearby for easy commute. There are various companies as well as industries located in
this vicinity. Kamarajar Higher Secondary School, Kidzee and Balaji Matric School are some of the
schools located in this vicinity. There are many banks close by and ATMs for fast transaction. Berry 'n'
Blossom, Amma Unavagam and Domino's Pizza are some eateries where you can enjoy with your
family the best cuisines of the area. The locality has Shiva Vishnu Temple and Holy Family Catholic
Church for worshiping. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the starting price of Sri Raghavendra Pink House?
The price of Sri Raghavendra Pink House starts from Rs. 49.37 L.
What is the price range of Sri Raghavendra Pink House?
Sri Raghavendra Pink House offers 2 BHK, units. The price range of these units are as follows:- 2 BHK - From Rs. 49.37 L to Rs. 52.56 L.
How many floors are available in Sri Raghavendra Pink House?
There are 1 towers with 3 floors each, in Sri Raghavendra Pink House.
What are the other projects done by Sri Raghavendra Builders in Chennai?
The other projects done by Sri Raghavendra Builders are:
Make sure to check the latest guideline value in Tamil Nadu if you are buying a land or any property in the state. Visit official TNREGINET portal to find the guideline values in TN online.