Worli lies in South Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra and it was previously known as VarliOrVarel. The total population of Worli is 1,32,452 with coordinates of 18.9986°N and 72.8... Read More
Line 3 of the Mumbai metro to be connected by Worli stat... more
It will help dilute traffic from this area and improve c... more
HSNC University is soon to set up its headquarters in Wo... more
Major developers are building high-end luxury apartments... more
What is good here
Transportation is easily available
Some important roads are Dr
The roads are smooth and in a good condition
It is a very safe locality even at night
Street lights are planted at every location
Patrolling is regularly done by the police
There are a few well-maintained parks in the vicinity
It is a clean locality with regular garbage disposal practic... more
Pollution is comparatively high in the area than the other p... more
42k per sqft is the average sales price
Worli itself is an employement hub
Bandra-Worli sea link is the closest highway
What can be better
The metro is not built, causing connectivity issues
Many roads are under construction, causing inconvenience
Bumpy roads can be painful for riders
Safety is not a concern at night
More street lights need to be equipped with good street ligh... more
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