Edaikazhinadu is a quaint town in the Kancheepuram district of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The East Coast Road crosses through the area and lends great connectivity avenues to the place. The Madurantakam and Karunguzhi Railway Stations are the closest to the area thus connecting it effectively to adjoining locales. The place is positioned along the shore line of Bay of Bengal thereby making it extremely picturesque and scenic. The Buckingham Canal meanders through the locality and merges itself in the Bay of Bengal. The famous and historic Alamparai Fort is situated at Edaikazhinadu and attracts a lot of visitors to the locality from all around the country. There are several reputed educational institutions and medical centres nearby that rightly establish Edaikazhinadu as a Real Estate favourite. Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Thiru S Krishnamoorthy Jeeva Garden located?
The Thiru S Krishnamoorthy Jeeva Garden is located in Edaikazhinadu, Chennai. View all Projects in Edaikazhinadu
What is the possession status of Thiru S Krishnamoorthy Jeeva Garden?
As far as possession status is concerned, Thiru S Krishnamoorthy Jeeva Garden is ready to move.
Make sure to check the latest guideline value in Tamil Nadu if you are buying a land or any property in the state. Visit official TNREGINET portal to find the guideline values in TN online.