Commercial for Sale
in Padappai

Offices for Sale
in Padappai

Shops for Sale
in Padappai

Showrooms for Sale
in Padappai
Project Name | TVS Flourish |
Brokerage | No Charge Access Zero Brokerage Properties |
Price | 45.0 L |
Bedrooms | 2 |
Bathrooms | 2 |
Parking | - |
Balcony | - |
Added | More than a month ago |
to compare
Emerald Haven Realty Limited (EHRL) is the real estate venture of the TVS Group. Started in 2013, it brings to you the same Trust, Val ue, and Service that you have come to expect from the TVS Group.
TVS Emerald has already delivered close to 2 million sqft. of residential housing to its customers across 5 projects in Chennai. TVS Emerald plans to launch five more projects soon, all with the single aim of making high - quality living spaces available to home buyers