There is a famous saying that says, “Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.”
But the question is, can a home really exceed your expectations? For us at VTP Realty, expectations are benchmarks that ought to be surmounted. And help us create better living spaces for all. From the moment, you set your eyes on VTP Celesta, you’ll understand why it goes beyond expectations. It’s unlike any residential space you’d have seen. Step inside, and you’ll be surprised by the spacious 3 bed residences. Look out of the window and be amazed by the fact that three sides are open. Look a little further out, and discover a landscape of forest that stretches till the sky. There are many more such things at VTP Celesta. We’ll leave it to you to discover them.
In a world where privacy comes at a premium, VTP Celesta truly gives you your very own place under the sun. So, no two residences overlook each other and each one faces either East or West. This concept of better design also ensures all of them are open on three sides. Which means, light and air have a free run in your home and there’s abundant cross-ventilation inside the residences....Read more