DTCP No.27/2015Oragadam - The "Industrial gold mine" With emphasis being laid on fast growing multi-crore industries, Oragadam has become "Investors Heaven." Oragadam has been growing as a Centre of Excellence in India for automobile industries, electronic industries, industrial establishments, etc. SEZ, industrial park, international Companies like Hyundai , Renault Nissan, Dell,Apollo Tyres,Daimler, Yamaha, Royal Enfield,Chennai-Bangalore Express Way and connectivity to Mahindra World City are making the land cost at Oragadam to sky high....Read more
Street Lighting
Storm Water Drains
Internal Roads & Footpaths
Landscaping & Tree Planting
Rain Water Harvesting
24x7 CCTV Surveillance
Nearby Properties Around (Wisdom Sri Baba Nagar Phase 4)