Commercial for Rent
in Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar

Offices for Rent
in Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar

Shops for Rent
in Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar

Showrooms for Rent
in Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar
Security | 35,000 |
Brokerage | 35,000 Access Zero Brokerage Properties |
Maintenance | 3,800 |
Built up area | 2500 sq.ft |
Furnishing | Fully Furnished |
Bathrooms | 3 |
Balcony | 2 |
Available from | Available now |
Floor number | 2 of 5 floors |
Lease type | Family / Bachelor / Company |
Age of property | 5 years |
Parking | 2 Covered Parking |
Gas Pipeline | Yes |
Gate Community | Yes |
Carpet area | 2250 sq.ft |
Price Negotiable | No |