Owner | 8 months ago
Water is available 24/7. Cleanliness is maintained. Pets are allowed. Festivals are celebrated in the society. Residents are decent. There is a gym, swimming pool, and play area. There are no issues with leakage or seepage. Parking is sufficiently allotted to us. Public transport is easily available.
There is no metro station or local railway station near the society. Parking for visitors is limited, with only two slots available. Issues in the society take time to be resolved by the committee and are not addressed quickly. There is no garden in the society.
Owner | 8 months ago
The maintenance charges are justified. The lifts are well-maintained, and cleanliness is consistently upheld. Water is available 24/7. The residents are decent, and the society has all modern amenities with no issues of leakage or seepage. Autos are easily available near the society.
The local railway station or metro station is not within walking distance from the society. To reach these stations, one needs to take an auto from the society.