Social Life4/5
AmenitiesOwner | 2 years ago
Maruti Zenobia is one of the popular housing complexes located in Bodakdev, Ahmedabad West. The rental charges for staying in any of the apartments of this residential property is reasonable.
Owner | 2 years ago
Some grocery shops are found within a walking distance. Transport services are easily available from this area and the rate of transportation is not so high. Some beauty salons are found 10 minutes away.
Owner | 2 years ago
The rate of crimes reported in the nearby areas of Maruti Zenobia is rare and it indicates that the society is a safe place to live with family members. Pet are allowed to stay there.
Owner | 2 years ago
Apex Heart Institute, Eye Hospital and Raksha Hospital Pvt Ltd. are some of the reputed healthcare centres of this neighbourhood. A heritage temple is also located near this housing complex.
Owner | 2 years ago
The society where Maruti Zenobia is situated is recognised as one of the safest locations to stay alone at night. Some popular shopping centres are situated within 8 to 10 minutes drive away.