G.M. Buildcon is a reputed construction company. This is pune base company and the office of the company is in PCMC , Pune. G.M. Buildcon incorporated in September 2017. All the partners of the company are young, highly educated and ambitions. The only aim of the company is not to build houses but to fulfill the dreams of the customers.
The 100% customer satisfaction is the objective of the company. The company’s focus will be on providing customers with quality homes and that too using modern technology. The company tends to focus on how to provide the best amenities in a minimal budget. We strive to provide facilities that will be useful to everyone from children to citizens.
The Company focuses on designing houses where every house should have open air and sunlight. The customer is not only buying a house with us but he is realizing his dream through the house, so his dream should not be compromised. This is our groups honest thinking.