Residential Projects by Rohaan Constructions Pvt. Ltd. - 158568
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Rohaan Constructions Pvt. Ltd.
Year estd.
Rohaan Constructions Pvt Ltd has an established credibility and a consistent record of superior performance, timely delivery and timeless style. They design, construct and maintain Commercial and Residential Buildings. They aim at transparency and commitment to the customers. Rohaan Constructions Pvt Ltd key features are their technological skills and new age vision towards the construction Industry. The company has been continuously improving and has transformed into a dynamic and forward thinking Company. They provide the highest standard quality of construction and timely completion of project. The company reflects a lifestyle that most people aspire to and provides a taste for good things in life. Besides, a host of amenities offered in their projects for the members, make life a living paradise. Rohaan Constructions Pvt Ltd objective is to offer affordable residential flats and individual houses with all modern amenities.