Owner | 2 years ago
This apartment provides more free space approx. 60% that gives extra benefits to the residents. It also gives a free parking area that residents can easily park their car without ant problems.
Owner | 2 years ago
In this apartment all the essential things that need in the daily life such as hospital, food outlets, shopping stores and also education process. It makes it easier for the residents.
Tenant | 2 years ago
Sun Southrayz provides a secure apartment with various type of facility that all those people can easily live here without any types of tension. So, it also gives the comfort zone more effectively.
Owner | 2 years ago
Sun Southrayz is a comfort apartment within a 5 minutes distance from the main area and also easy to reach at rail station and also 15 minutes distance from airport.
Tenant | 2 years ago
It provides lot of facilities and also implement more variation that makes it different from other apartment. It makes it more beneficial for all those people who are the resident of this apartment.