Foot, also expressed in its plural form feet, is a measurement unit accepted globally. A foot is 1/3 of a yard, and it is approximately 30.48 cm long. This unit is commonly used to measure height, length and distance. The standard symbol for foot is ‘ft.’ and the symbol used to denote is (‘).
For example, 22 feet will be written as 22’. Feet is a common unit used in various fields like construction, engineering, architecture and real estate. The unit is used where accurate planning, designing, and building structures are required.
The foot is a unit used in the imperial system. In ancient times, foot was part of many local systems of units in countries like Greece, Rome, China, France and the United Kingdom. The United States of America is the only country that uses international foot. The flight levels that are often read in hundreds are in feet. For example, flight level 330 means 33,000 feet. The Indian survey foot is defined as exactly 0.3047996 m. In the United States, the foot was defined as 12 inches. A US foot is exactly 1200/ 3937 meters, approximately 0.30480061 m.