Request Images2.6 kms away2 BHK Independent House in Jatharpeth ₹1.51 CrAverage Price: ₹5.24k/sq.ft2880 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Fin SyncOwnerContact
Request Images3.4 kms away2 BHK Independent House in Kapila Nagar ₹42.0 LAverage Price: ₹2.24k/sq.ft1875 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status SAKSHAM KALAMBEOwnerContact
Request Images5.1 kms away2 BHK Independent House in Malkapur ₹60.0 LAverage Price: ₹6.0k/sq.ft1000 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status VNVikas NagareOwnerContact