Resale3 BHK Independent House in Sector 11 ₹21.5 CrAvg. price: ₹61.43k/sq.ft3500 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Amenities: Parking • Servent RoomAnurag ChhabraHousing Prime AgentContact
Request Images4.1 kms away3 BHK Independent House in Sector 38 ₹3.25 CrAvg. price: ₹24.07k/sq.ft1350 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Nearby: Stepping Stones School- 0.4 km • Santokh Klinics- 0.3 km • 38 street- 0.1 km • Tdi mall- 0.1 kmHSHardeep SinghAgentContact