Social Life4.6/5
AmenitiesOwner | 2 years ago
The people of this residency are provided with the essential services. The safety and security are enhanced. The proper maintenance of the buildings and the place are strengthened. The cost is set accordingly.
Broker | 2 years ago
The residency provides the essential services which benefgits the people. The safety of the people are ensured. Proper guards are appointed to enhance the security. The network connection of the place has to be improved.
Owner | 2 years ago
The rooms are quite spacious which facilitates the customers. The place is full of greens allowing the customer to breathe in fresh air. The place are safe for the people.
Owner | 2 years ago
The communication facility has to be improved which will help thee people to travel. The safety and the security measures will be given special attending. The price of the buildings will be set accordingly.
Broker | 2 years ago
Libraries and gymnasiums heeps to improve the physical and mental health of the people. The place is properly maintained to avoid man made disasters. A sports room and a playground is provided to the customers.