Located 1.5 Kms from ITPL. In tune with the goodness of life, Gopalan Atlantis is a lavish looking residence that has all the necessities for a fulfilling life. But what good is just a fulfilling life, with this notion in mind, the builders have made sure to take up the luxury meter a notch higher with supreme designing that calls for a mesmerizing visual to the eyes. Gopalan Atlantis is built with the best of inputs and thought processes to fit the lifestyle of a modern dweller conveniently and comfortably. To ensure the feel of congestion never coming to your mind as you step in this place, the layout plan is brilliantly sketched out and smartly constructed. And to infuse the feel of freshness, the complex is surrounded by a carpet of green that is sure to give you a positive outlook when you start your day and refresh your mind when you come back home.