Modinagar is an essential administrative town under the Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh which holds significant commercial and residential value. The town is named after Rai Ba... Read More
well connected to Delhi and nearby cities via Delhi - M... more
well connected to some prominent regions of Ghaziabad vi... more
NOIDA (IT) SEZ is located at a distance of about 46 km f... more
Rental trends of the Modinagar locality is largely drive... more
Most of the properties in Modinagar locality comes under... more
What is good here
well established Bus transportation with the presence of Mod... more
well connected to Delhi and nearby cities via Delhi - Musso... more
authorities are planning to implement road elevation plans n... more
NCR business School is most popular school of the locality
Shivam Hospital is by far the most accessible hospital in th... more
Modi Complex is the most accessible market hub of Modinagar ... more
Modinagar is most lively residential area in the capital ci... more
Street lights are installed at various patches of Modinagar ... more
Police Patrolling is heavy at night for ensuring safety of ... more
Ganesh Park is great relaxation spot for residents in Modina... more
sufficient hygiene is maintained in residential areas of Mod... more
municipality has taken many ecological measures in Modinagar... more
A rise of around 7.5% was observed in certain popular region... more
NOIDA (IT) SEZ is located at a distance of about 46 km from ... more
well connected to Delhi and nearby cities via Delhi - Musso... more
What can be better
Slight encroachment is noted on internals roads of Modinagar... more
Traffic congestion is inevitable in Modinagar during peak ho... more
Modinagar metro station is still under construction
few cases of illegal dumping is sited in Modinagar locality
proximity with highways causes poor air quality for the loca... more
there is a shortage of water supply to Modinagar locality in... more is only acting as a medium for providing online advertising services. does not in any way facilitate and cannot be deemed to be facilitating sales between developers and the visitors/users of the website. The display of information on with respect to a developer or project does not guarantee that the developer / project has registered under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development), 2016 or is compliant with the same. Before deciding to purchase or taking any other action, you are requested to exercise due caution and to independently validate and verify all information about the project.