Social Life3.7/5
AmenitiesOwner | 4 months ago
Property On Main road, Just 3 Min walks from Narayan Hrudahalaya and 3 Min drive to Upcoming metro Station and Chandapura market is walkable distance and Direct connectivity to Electricity IT Hub
No Club house, The property is 10 years old, Total 200 falst are available and Good connectivity of Roads, Metro and National highway
Owner | 1 year ago
The develoopmental facility of the organsaiton provides the resiudents by connecting the people with their preferred locality and services.
Owner | 2 years ago
The place buildsa a suitable deorumj for mthe niorgandsitpon which also enables them to provide a significant place for their engagenent in the social sphere.
Owner | 2 years ago
Bengaluru is a mqajor city which costs huge but Nisarga Keerthana is a flat which gives a pricing for their flats.
Owner | 2 years ago
The complex provifdes developmentsal benefits to the residents as it holds various environmental benefits for them. thuis aloso develops a suitable stream of significance for them.
Owner | 2 years ago
The apartment also gives them a better place for them in maintaininjg a positived route towards betyter management of their services which also encourages them in ensuriong better proficiency in the field.