Besant Nagar, Chennai South, Chennai south, Chennai
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(Carpet Area)
Ramaniyam Real Estate 119 Besant Nagar Location Map
Locality Guide
for Besant Nagar, Chennai
15 More
Besant Nagar was founded in 1875 in Chennai, the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is located in the Southern part of Chennai, with an approximate population of 3,51,000. Out of that,... Read More
A link road between Marina Beach Loop Road and Besant Na... more
MTC Bus Terminal is being restored into Bus Depot, makin... more
CDMA (Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority) has pr... more
Elliot's Beach also known as "Besant Nagar Beach," it is... more
What is good here
The area is well connected to different parts of the city by... more
The roads in the town are built in a planned way with high r... more
The construction of the link road has resolved the traffic c... more
CCTV cameras are installed in the area to frequently monitor... more
The sodium vapor lamps have been replaced by LED Lamps, maki... more
The nearest police station is Shastri Nagar, thus the police... more
Besant Nagar has a few parks like CPWD Quarters Park, Besant... more
Residents and authorities have worked together to keep the a... more
Air Quality Index in Besant Nagar is 26, making the air less... more
Property prices in Besant Nagar are increasing by 3% every y... more
Besant Nagar has seen a steady increase in corporate establi... more
Sardar Patel Road, Besant Avenue Road, and Blue Crossroad ar... more
What can be better
The condition of MTC shuttle buses needs improvement
The government should work on free parking spaces for reside... more
The crime rate in the area is relatively high as there are r... more
Police and authorities are working towards reducing the crim... more
Houses in Besant Nagar are expensive as it is a posh localit... more
No national highways are located in the close proximity to t... more
Rental rates are very high and unaffordable for lower and mi... more