Social Life4.2/5
AmenitiesTenant | 1 year ago
The plaace is a massive spot for the redsidents which also enables them in maintaining a positiv stream of maintainance fo them. tIt will aslo genralise them in maintaining a a positive stream.
Owner | 2 years ago
The Veera Casa offers huge discounts and price cuts for the residents whivh alsos depicts better repl;ication of benefits for them.
Owner | 2 years ago
Veera Casa is one of the major apartments present in Goa. The place presents a beneficial acceptance to the residents in maintaining a positive stream of management.
Owner | 2 years ago
The place enables the residents to have awide occvassiional recipient whgich also develops a suitabnle source of maintainance for them.
Owner | 2 years ago
The apartment highlights the various depictions of thr regiuon of Goa which attracts the l;ocals of thr city. it also gives them a better application of thteir various journies.