Old Survey No.210/1, Present Survey Nos.210/1b & 1c Of Gerugambakkam, Chennai south, Chennai
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Locality Guide
for Gerugambakkam, Chennai
9 More
Gerugambakkam is one of the popular cities in the metropolitan city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The city is growing in terms of residential and industrial neighborhoods. The cit... Read More
Affordable and luxurious residential properties are avai... more
Prominent educational coaching centres are located at a ... more
The city is all set to welcome the new metro station nea... more
Many big companies have planned to open their offices in... more
What is good here
The Metropolitan Transport Corporation (Chennai) operates a ... more
The officials have been taking steps to reduce the potholes ... more
The traffic jams in the city are quite lighter than in the o... more
With increasing corporate offices and youngsters coming in, ... more
The local officials have been taking note of non-functioning... more
Police patrolling constantly takes place in the city to ensu... more
The parks and gardens in the city are packed with greenery a... more
The sanitary workers are doing a satisfactory job of maintai... more
The local officials have been making constant efforts to red... more
The residential rates in the city have been increasing due t... more
Commerzone Olympia Technology Park, Kosmo One and Tamarai Te... more
The city is in proximity to State Highway 55 and is a major ... more
What can be better
The traffic jams make it harder to fetch buses and autos on ... more
The city needs wider roads to accommodate the increasing tra... more
The roads in the city are not maintained well and are filled... more
The nighttime is considered unsafe for certain deserted area... more
Some of the streets have non-functioning street lights, whic... more
The police station is located at a further distance from the... more