Kovilambakkam is a leading residential locality in Chennai’s southern suburban zone. It lies in the district of Chengalpattu in Tamil Nadu. It is under the Tambaram Taluk and is go... Read More
New metro projects is being developed I New roads and fl... more
New developments hubs like Velachery, Siruseri and other... more
new residential buildings such as Sobha Developers, Plaz... more
What is good here
There are large number of buses, autos available and metros ... more
Keelkattaklai flyover is situated situated I Pallavaram flyo... more
the roads are in good condition and these are properly inter... more
This place is safe during the night time as police patrols t... more
street lights are not proeprly maintained and make it diffic... more
Police patrols this place at night to make it safer for the ... more
The parks are properly maintained and clean
The solid wastage management is not so good and encroachment... more
pollution score of this place is 38, which is good
The prices of commercial and residential projects have incre... more
New offices are being developed to attract people from diffe... more
There are large number of highways in this place
What can be better
There are large number of buses, autos available and metros ... more
Keelkattaklai flyover is situated situated I Pallavaram flyo... more
the roads are in good condition and these are properly inter... more
This place is safe during the night time as police patrols t... more
street lights are not proeprly maintained and make it diffic... more
Police patrols this place at night to make it safer for the ... more
The parks are properly maintained and clean
The solid wastage management is not so good and encroachment... more
pollution score of this place is 38, which is good
The prices of commercial and residential projects have incre... more
New offices are being developed to attract people from diffe... more
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