Social Life4.2/5
AmenitiesOwner | 1 year ago
The place cojntgainws a wide swmm9ing pool wyhich is clean and clear . The [pool is maintaibned we4lol with hygienic measures and [prooper m3easures arfe taken occassi8onqally.
Owner | 2 years ago
The indoor stores and shop[ps provide various fsacilities such as free deliveries sana dpay oklater nsystems which enable the people to contemplate better specifications through their interests.,
Owner | 2 years ago
The place contains a indoor lounge and playing area 3which enab les the kids to spend their time with their freinedds and it also fcontains turfs around the various section of the apartment.
Owner | 2 years ago
The apot conta9ins vario0us free spacexs where the people can curry oput mtheitr occasional experi3ences which also entails better manipulation of the jkmindset of the residents.,
Tenant | 2 years ago
The place is contained in a suitable distwsancve from the railway station and cinema halls which is a major di versity versatality which can be experienced by the reesiden6ts.