Rajendra Nagar is a very popular mid-segment locality of Western Ghaziabad city. The locality shares its boundaries with neighbouring residential areas such as Mohan Nagar, Shyam P... Read More
well connected to Delhi and Noida via delhi-meerut expre... more
well connected to some prominent regions of Ghaziabad vi... more
NOIDA (IT) SEZ is located at a distance of about 24 km f... more
Rental trends of the Rajendra Nagar locality is largely ... more
Most of the properties in Rajendra Nagar locality comes ... more
What is good here
well connected bus services from Anand Vihar Bus terminus lo... more
Easy access to prominent areas of Delhi and Noida via NH-24
authorities are planning to implement road elevation plans n... more
Holy Angel's Sr. Sec. School is most popular school of the l... more
JSS Nursing Home is by far the most accessible hospital in t... more
Gaur Plaza is the most accessible market hub of Rajendra Nag... more
Rajendra Nagar is most lively residential area in the capit... more
Proper installation and maintenance of LED street lights at ... more
Police Patrolling is heavy at night for ensuring safety of ... more
Radhey Shyam Park is great relaxation spot for residents in ... more
sufficient hygiene is maintained in residential areas of Raj... more
municipality has taken many ecological measures in Rajendra ... more
A rise of around 6% was observed in certain popular regions
Employment hubs like Gurgaon IT hub and Noida industrial hub... more
Easy access to prominent areas of Delhi and Noida via NH-24
What can be better
Internal roads of Rajendra Nagar face frequent problem due t... more
Traffic congestions are inevitable during the peak hours
internal roads of Rajendra Nagar are still not well-lit
poor drainage system within the residential areas often caus... more
proximity with Loni and Sahibabad Industrial areas causes po... more
there is no decent system of water supply to Rajendra Nagar ... more
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