Asola is a well-known locality in South Delhi. Asola lies adjacent to the popular locality of Fatehpur Beri Village. The locality is well-connected to the nearby localities and sta... Read More
The locality is efficient connected to the adjacent loca... more
There are several industries near the locality enhancing... more
There are several developing markets sprawling in recent... more
What is good here
The public transport are auite accessible from the locality
The roads in the locality are built with good quality materi... more
The condition of the roads of the locality is excellent
The night life in the locality is safe and secure
Street are properly well-lit in the locality and incraese t... more
Police patrolling is a routine activity in most of the areas... more
Parks maintenance is a routine activity in this locality and... more
The locality has a good number of dustbins thus an efficient... more
Pollution is not an issue in the area mostly air quality is ... more
There are different properties present in the locality with ... more
There are multiple offices present near the locality providi... more
There are properties present near the highways connect the c... more
What can be better
Public transport is rushed in the office hours in and around... more
The old built roads are not that efficient enough and need m... more
Potholes are an issue during the rains but the roads are reg... more
Durimg the night time some deserted places are not safe
The maintenance of street lights is not proper by civic auth... more
Police patrolling does not occurs routinely in some areas bu... more