Sita Platinum Builder Floor 450 Sq Yd Location Map
Locality Guide
for Green Field Colony, Faridabad
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Greenfield Colony is located in the Arawali Hills in Faridabad. This colony is maintained and promoted by a private company called Urban Improvement Co. Private Limited. Greenfield... Read More
Tuglakabad railway station is located just 6 km away fro... more
Old Faridabad metro station, located at a distance of 7.... more
Faridabad railway station helps connect Greenfield Colon... more
Highly prestigious manufacturing units and IT offices in... more
What is good here
Faridabad railway station, which is 6 km away from Greenfiel... more
Connections via road is very good in Greenfield Colony as th... more
The main roads of Greenfield Colony are in great form and pr... more
At night times, the streets of Greenfield Colony are conside... more
Street light set up in the main areas of Greenfield Colony i... more
Regular police patrolling is done in all the blocks of Green... more
The parks of Greenfield Colony like Mika Singh Vatika, Block... more
The Faridabad Municipal Corporation present in Greenfield Co... more
Trees are very well maintained on the side of roads and in p... more
Rooms for rent are available at reasonable rates in Greenfie... more
Numerous manufacturing companies and IT units are situated c... more
NH 44 also called Mathura Road connects Faridabad to other n... more
What can be better
The frequency of buses needs to be increased during holidays... more
Some roads which need time-to-time repair are not maintained... more
Due to weathering of roads as they are exposed to seasonal c... more
Some roads of Greenfield Colony appear to be deserted at nig... more
Some street lights along the dividers of the roads of Greenf... more
Irregularity of garbage pick-ups causes the waste to pile up... more
During traffic jams, the noise pollution is increased due to... more
The supply of water is limited in some parts of Greenfield C... more
Avaiability of rooms and their cost majorly depends on the a... more
Toll booth maintenance should be increased on NH 44 or Mathu... more
Even though the maintenance of some of the rooms in the prim... more is only acting as a medium for providing online advertising services. does not in any way facilitate and cannot be deemed to be facilitating sales between developers and the visitors/users of the website. The display of information on with respect to a developer or project does not guarantee that the developer / project has registered under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development), 2016 or is compliant with the same. Before deciding to purchase or taking any other action, you are requested to exercise due caution and to independently validate and verify all information about the project.