Uthandi is a well-developed locality in South Chennai. It has several famous beaches around it. Golden Beach lies a short distance from the locality. Uthandi is known to attract se... Read More
Several new roads are being constructed in the locality ... more
Multiple industries in the locality enhance the commerci... more
The neighborhood is developing gradually with several ma... more
What is good here
The locality has all sorts of transportation services availa... more
The roads in the locality are well-planned and efficiently b... more
Most of the roads in the locality are smooth and excellent
The locality is a safe locality due to its active night life... more
The locality has a good amount of streetlights
Police patrolling is a routine activity in the locality
The parks in the locality are very well-manged and have a cl... more
The locality is a hygienic locality with a proper waste disp... more
Pollutuon is not an issue in the locality for most of the pe... more
The price of most of the properties in the locality falls in... more
The locality has several offices nearby enhancing the job op... more
There are several properties present near the highways in th... more
What can be better
The public transport can be overcrowded during the office ho... more
The infrastructure of some roads is not up to the mark but t... more
Rains disturb the roads but the local authorities take care ... more
Some isolated places are not advised to be visited during th... more
Street lights are not repaired timely in some areas but the ... more
The are some areas that don't have police patrolling on dail... more
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