Tantra Designs Devasthali The Valley Of Gods Location Map
Locality Guide
for Vasco Da Gama, Goa
Vasco Da Gama is an locality in South Goa, Goa, India. Taleigao (25.17 Km) are the nearby areas to Vasco Da Gama. Goa, Mormugao, Chicolna, Issorcim, So Jacinto are the nearby citie... Read More
Vasco Da Gama is well connected to the National Highways... more
Commercial hubs like Mamugao Port Trust and Goa Shipyard... more
TATA Rio Goa has situated within the city just 15 km fro... more
What is good here
The Kadamba Transport (KDC) provides good public transportse... more
There are two railways stations situated with a close proxim... more
The Roads are in proper condition owing to its ever-growing ... more
Since it is a tourist spot, Vasco Da Gama is mostly crowded ... more
The street lights are in good condition in the main roads of... more
Children's park and Vaddem park in Vasco Da Gama are kids an... more
Clean water availabilty is seen in most parts of Vasco da Ga... more
Good electricity supply in main areas of Vasco Da Gama
Properties in and around Vasco Da Gama are available at lowe... more
Corporate office, post offic and Mercantuile Marine Departme... more
Vasco Da Gama connecets to 2 National Highways i.e. NH 66 wh... more
What can be better
Although KDC- Kadamba Transport Corporation provides public ... more
There are some potholes in the minor areas of Vasco due to f... more
In some small areas, the roads are under frequent repair cau... more
Less police patrolling in Vasco Da Gama can jeopardize the s... more
Some street lights in Vasco Da Gama are damaged and need imm... more
During the nighttime, police patrolling is not conducted fre... more
During rainy seasons, some parks are affected making it diff... more
Garbage disposal on the roadsides is an issue that needs pro... more
Due to tourists spots, place is always crowded and hence pol... more
Due to the ever-increasing demand, some areas' cost of livin... more