Social Life4/5
AmenitiesBroker | 2 years ago
The price structure of the buildings is at par with the budget of the people. The maintanence of the place is properly done to avoid mishaps and the hygiene of the people are pushed up.
Broker | 2 years ago
Games are encouraged in this complex by providing the playground to the people. It also has the facility of libraries and gymnasiums which can refresh their minds and restore their energy to work.
Owner | 2 years ago
The peaceful environment helps the people to make their living comfortable. The fresh air also boosts up the health of the people. The complex is properly cleaned to prevent diseases.
Owner | 2 years ago
The complex is surrounded with the trees and flowers which is the special attraction to the customers. The apartments provide spacious rooms which facilitate them to plan their work.
Tenant | 2 years ago
Supermarkets are available at a nearby distance from the residency so that the people can make the purchases at their convenient time. Proper measures are taken for the safety and security of the people.