Thirumangalam, Chennai North, Chennai North, Chennai
Price on Request
3 BHK Apartment
Price on request
Avg. Price
1270 sq.ft.
(Super Builtup Area)
India The Minium Melody Location Map
Locality Guide
for Anna Nagar West, Chennai
5 More
Anna Nagar West is one of the prominent and well-developed locations of Chennai. Anna Nagar West is home to the famous Millennium Park, which is the largest park in the region. Ann... Read More
Thirumangalam Metro Station (Green Line) lies in proximi... more
Chennai International Airport is situated at a distance ... more
This locality is nearby Annanagar East a fast-developing... more
Launch of Urban Distribution Centre to support quick com... more
What is good here
The area is well connected to the Metro Networks as a part o... more
Underpass is aimed at providing smoother traffic movement
Authorities are working on the elevated corridors to reduce ... more
One of the safe and secure residential areas of Chennai as t... more
PWD has plans to install marble statues on the tri-junction ... more
Police Station Chennai Cantonment officers on always on patr... more
The area is closely connected to nature which gives out a ve... more
Chennai has planned segregation, conversion, and disposal
Pollution comparatively is less in this area
The area is considered one of the posh and high-class locali... more
Through Inner Ring Road, one can easily access prominent emp... more
NH 32 are the closest highways
What can be better
The condition of buses needs improvement
The density of roads should be elevated to reduce traffic to... more
Road conditions are not so good
Increased risk of accidents in the night due to insufficient... more
Street lights are less
Quite a few cases have been reported
Parks are not maintained due to insufficient budget
The garbage disposal system needs significant improvement in... more
Pollution is a major concern for the residents as Air Qualit... more
The rates are quite high due to its proximity to corporate o... more
The locality is a spacious comfortable residential area in C... more